Squared Token “SQD” is in the final stages of making a competition website to fiverr & Ebay wrapped into one website where sellers and buyers can carry less fees for transactions and its just as safe if not safer. We are about to launch this on www.paragon-square.com (coming soon) We are going to allow rates between 5%-8% fees for fiat and $0 if your a VIP member. And 1% fees for paying with BSC, USDT, and Matic for non-VIP users. And 0 fees for paying with Squared Token “SQD” other than gas fee which is nominal as a Non-VIP user.. We are creating a standalone crypto payment gateway to accept payments through our marketplace. Ultimately it will be the first marketplace to combine goods & services all in the same place and offer dynamic and cost effective crypto payment solutions. Our competitors charge 14.99- 20% fees by comparison on other service provider sites. We want to promote a healthy marketplace that is as safe as possible and as affordable as possible putting as much money in the sellers pocket as possible! We are launching the marketplace and gateway shortly in April & May 2024.
The Squared Token “SQD” was minted on February 23, 2024 with 10,000,000,000 tokens as a fair launch. The token has a 5% buy Tax and a 6% sale Tax with 1% tokens burned on sale! The token is a deflationary token. So far about 75% of the tokens are burned with 100% tokens in circulation and 600+ holders.
Website: www.squaredtoken.io
Telegram: https://t.me/squaredtoken

Wesley has been a crypto enthusiast for a year. He’s an avid watcher of all the latest developments in the space, and enjoys predicting what will happen next with his favorite coins.
He lives in his hometown of New York City with his wife and two sons. His hobbies include watching movies, playing basketball, and reading about how to survive disasters that may occur from climate change or an asteroid impact!